Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Build-It-Yourself Birdhouses: 25+ DIY Birdhouses and Bird Feeders by Chris Peterson

Title: Build-It-Yourself Birdhouses: 25+ DIY Birdhouses and Bird Feeders
Author: Chris Peterson
  Source: Netgalley 

Step-by-step instructions for 25+ unique birdhouses tailored for specific birds—pick the one that fits your neighborhood's birds and get building!

Join home improvement pro Chris Peterson as he shares a variety of creative designs for birdhouses and bird feeders, from the classic bluebird house to a mid-century modern home. While all the designs are handsome, most are also approachable for beginning woodworkers. Squares, triangles, and simple joining are used throughout the book. For woodworkers with some experience, Peterson shares a variety of customization techniques that can enhance the designs.

Every project contains a showstopping photo of the finished house and step-by-step instructions (with additional photos) to take any guesswork out of the assembly. You'll also find mounting instructions and tips, as well as information on the types of birds each birdhouse can accommodate.

Designs include:

Small birdhouses: Chickadee Shelter, Nuthatch Wedge, Songbird PVC Birdhouse, Flycatcher Cinderblock Motel, Purple Martin Boarding House, Tufted Titmouse Cabin, Finch's Pub, a Bat Cave, and more!

Large birdhouses: Mourning Dove Monster Ledge, American Kestrel Lodge, Barn Owl A-Frame, Barred Owl Nest Box, Wood Duck Slat House, and a Woodpecker's Log House.

Creative bird feeders: Telephone Platform Feeder, Porch Swing Bin Feeder, Hanging Man Suet Feeder, Squirrel Proof Feeder, and Zen Feeder.

Looking to bring more birds to your yard in 2020 by building different birdhouses? Well, look no farther this book will give you step by step instructions for your entire backyard friends, but from one birder to another, please take another step by providing not only houses but also the right plants and trees to feed and keep your birds safe too.

Don’t have the equipment to build your own birdhouses? Well, don’t fear, I don’t either but I have a friend that does so he is happy to grab some extra money to build me some from this book. So, even though you don’t have the equipment some you know might or you can find someone in your neighborhood or town that would be happy to build them for you’re for a fee.  

Not only do you get full easy to understand instructions you also get tips too.


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