Thursday, August 22, 2019

Craft book review Bead Jewelry 101: Master Basic Skills and Techniques Easily Through Step-by-Step Instruction by Karen Mitchell, Ann Mitchell

 Title: Bead Jewelry 101: Master Basic Skills and Techniques Easily Through Step-by-Step Instruction 
Source: Netgalley 
Genre: craft
Rating: 5

Bead Jewelry 101, now in paperback, is a complete entry-level course for creating beaded jewelry taught through 30 step-by-step projects that demonstrate fundamental methods for stringing and wirework.

Have you always wanted to try jewelry making but aren’t sure where to begin? Bead Jewelry 101 teaches you everything you need to know to create beautiful jewelry with beads.

The Basics walks you through all the tools, materials, and basic construction techniques you’ll use for the projects.

The Projects are organized by various findings, or jewelry elements, so you’ll learn new techniques and build new skills with every piece you make. Beautiful variations will inspire you to create your own designs.
Beginners will also find the accompanying online videos that capture the techniques in action an invaluable resource.

Written specifically for beginners, the books in the 101 series are complete illustrated guides to the basics of a craft that use projects presented with full-color, step-by-step instructions and photos to teach essential techniques.

Great book for anyone wanting to learn how to make jewelry, plenty of projects and very easy steps for anyone to be able to learn, heck I wished I would have found this book when I started making beaded jewelry a few years back.

I would strongly recommend this for anyone that would like to test the water of jewelry making, this book is simple and full of information on materials and tools, but I have to admit it would benefit an advance jewelry maker that is in need of inspiration because after reading though the book I found some inspiration with a few of these projects to twist to my own.


  1. I bought a book like this years ago when I first started making beaded jewelry. I don't make much these days but I still have a lot of beads.


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